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Parent to Parent Support
from the start!!

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Illinois Hands & Voices Logo black hand with cochlea on palm and Hands & Voices Illiois written underneath

Illinois Hands & Voices, aka IL Families for Hands & Voices (ILHV) is a parent-driven, non-profit organization that supports families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodologies.  They envision a world where children who are deaf and hard of hearing have every opportunity to achieve their full potential.  They hold events and activities throughout the state of IL providing opportunities for children who are deaf and hard of hearing can interact with each other.  These events often provide the opportunity for these children to meet and talk to deaf adults.  Simply click on the ILHV Logo to find out more and don't forget to subscribe to their mailing list while you're there, that way you won't miss out on upcoming events.  Direct questions can be sent to


The Illinois Guide By Your Side Program (a division of IL Hands & Voices) has partnered with the IL Department of Public Health, you may have already heard from this organization.  

Illinois Guide By Your Side (IL-GBYS) provides families with unbiased support.  IL-GBYS does this through specially trained parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. These parents work as “Guides” directly with families who have just learned of their child’s hearing loss.  We have found that families need the unique support that comes from someone else who has walked this path themselves and can share from direct experience and wisdom. This program can also include an option for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Guides (DHH Guides) who are deaf or hard of hearing adults and specially trained to provide support to families.  Simply click on the GBYS logo for more information or contact them directly at

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Other Family Support Organizations to explore:

Click on the organizations logo to explore their website and learn more.

CHS Youth Connections Logo

CHS Youth Connections Program (CHOICES for Parents) is a statewide advisory committee of parents and professionals ensuring that children who are Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing and their families connect with the necessary resources, advocacy, information, services, and support within the home, school, and community.  A parent may request their helpful notebook FREE of charge as a resource tool, the notebook is available in English and Spanish.   


The Illinois Service Resource Center (ISRC) provides behavior support for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired in Illinois. Behavior support can be for individual students with challenges, or at the preventive level with classrooms or school programs. ISRC serves students with hearing loss regardless of communication mode.  Learn more about ISRC, including their lending library where you can borrow books and other media about all aspects of deafness and hearing loss from parenting to simply reading a borrowed book to your child completely FREE.  

2025 Illinois Sound Beginnings

Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) 

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)

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