Useful tips for caring for your hearing instruments

Hearing Aids
Modern hearing instruments are durable, easy-to-use and reliable. A few simple precautions will ensure that your instruments continue to give you many years of trouble-free service.
Always make sure your fingers are dry and clean before handling your hearing instruments. The microphone inlet is only a few tenths of a millimeter wide and can become blocked easily.
Avoid sharp knocks and impact. Insert and remove your hearing instruments over a soft surface (a bed or sofa).
Protect your hearing instruments from heat. Never leave your hearing instruments where they may be affected by extreme heat. Protect them from direct sunlight (at home and in a parked car) and do not leave them near radiators.
Protect your instruments from dampness. Remove instruments from your ears before showering, bathing or swimming. Do not leave them in the bathroom where they could suffer water damage. Dry any perspiration inside and around the ears regularly. Dampness and condensation can damage the circuitry in your hearing instruments.
Keep your hearing instruments out of the reach of children and pets. Dogs are irritated by the feedback (whistling) sound and attracted by the owner's scent. Often the result is a chewed up hearing instrument.
Avoid contact with make-up or hair spray. The fine particles produced by make-up or hair spray can easily block a microphone inlet. Always remove hearing instruments before using such products.
Clean your instruments carefully. Clean your instruments using a soft, dry cloth. Alcohol, solvents and cleaning fluids can damage electronic circuitry.
Keep your instruments in a safe place. When your instruments are not in use, always keep them in the presentation case or in a special drying box. Remove the batteries if the instruments will not be used for some time.
Always have repairs carried out by a specialist.
​Adapted from
Caring for Earmolds
It is okay for the earmolds to get wet. You can wash them in warm water around once a week or whenever they get dirty.
Once you have washed the earmolds it is very important to dry them. You can dry the outside part with a cloth. Any water left inside the tube can block sound from your hearing aids.
Dry the inside by blowing the water out of the tubing. You cannot use your mouth to blow it dry, because the air from your mouth is moist. Instead, you must use an earmold blower, which sends dry air into the tubing.
If your earmold has a vent, remember to blow the water out of there as well.